Esto se esta haciendo con el proposito de que MCTJ cresca y se pueda expanderse a otros paises del mundo. Espero que les guste la info hehehe
Souce: Japan Probe
The white guy in the photo above is Mr. James, the mascot for 4 new burgers of McDonald’s “Nippon All-Stars” series. Residents of Japan who have been riding JR trains or passing by McDonald’s restaurants have probably already seen his face on advertisements. In his TV commercials, Mr. James speaks annoying foreigner Japanese (not unlike the wacky foreigner who spoke NIPPONGO in a recent Sony Commercial). Print advertisements convey his goofy gaijin Japanese by rendering everything he says in katakana.
Mr. James has an official blog chronicling his love for Japan and McDonalds. Its blog posts, no doubt written by a Japanese employee of McDonald’s Japan’s marketing department, put everything in a mix of katakana and hiragana. One blog post contains a special video of Mr. James acting like a moron while reading aloud from a fake Japanese phrasebook [actually an altered version of the book Dirty Japanese].
Judging from this page on his blog, McDonald’s Japan plans to send Mr. James to franchises across the country, allowing him to make lots of blog posts about the places he goes and the people he meets. As of today, he’s only visited Shibuya, but that map should fill up as the campaign gets underway. We can only guess what passing foreigners thought about Mr. James as he stood around handing out fans and speaking wacky broken Japanese.
Not surprisingly, Arudou Debito and the readers of his blog are outraged by the existence of Mr. James. Debito believes that the character reinforces negative stereotypes about foreigners and has compared the actor who plays Mr. James to Stepin Fetchit, a black American who made a became a millionaire in the early 20th century by playing dumb negro characters in Hollywood films. That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but the dude certainly is acting like the “jackass” Debito believes him to be.
Complaints can be sent to McDonald’s Japan through this contact information. Or you can go over their heads and complain directly to the U.S. head office of McDonald’s.Souce: Japan Probe
Este hombre blanco en la foto es el Sr. James, la mascota de las 4 nuevas hambuerguesas de McDonalds de la serie "Nippon All-Star. Los residentes de Japon han viajado en el tran JR o han pasado por los establecimientos de MC Donalds posiblemente han visto su cara en los espectaculares. En sus comerciales de TV el Sr James habla un muy mal japones con un acento extranjero. En la publicidad impresa por lo regular utilizan mucho Katakana en todo lo que dice haciendo mirar como un payaso.
Mr. James has an official blog chronicling his love for Japan and McDonalds. Its blog posts, no doubt written by a Japanese employee of McDonald’s Japan’s marketing department, put everything in a mix of katakana and hiragana. One blog post contains a special video of Mr. James acting like a moron while reading aloud from a fake Japanese phrasebook [actually an altered version of the book Dirty Japanese].
El Sr James tiene un blog oficial en el cual escribe su amor por Japon y Mc Donalds. Los post que suben sin lugar a duda son escritos por un empleado japones de la area de marcadotecnia de Mc Donalds, pero todo esta mezclado con Katakana y Hiragana.
Jusgando por la pagina en su blog, McDonalds Japon planea en enviar al Sr. James a darle promocion a todo el pais, permitiendole escribir posts sobre los lugares que ha asistido y personas que ha conocido. Por el momento, ha visitado SHibuya, pero el mapa se llama conforme la campaña publicitaria se desarolle.
Through his research, he isolated a gene that supposedly causes one’s brain to feel more fear. In tests with lab mice, those mice that do not have the gene are far more likely to freely walk around on a high platform without safety barriers.
It would seem that some tests have been conducted to determine which countries have more carriers of thie fear gene and Japan ranked at the top of the list:
- Japanese: 97%
- White Americans: 77%
- Indians: 67%
- Germans: 64%
- Black Americans: 46%
- South Africans: 32%
According to Ken Y-N, another Japanese TV show (”Otona no Sonata”) also aired a segment this week about how Japanese people posess genes that make them uniquely fearful. On that show, Westerners and Japanese people were shown walking through a haunted house:
“15 out of 15 Japanese were scared, but just one foreigner. A Russiancouple were laughing at the traps, and a African-Australian wante to punch the exhibits…”
SOURCE: Japan Probe
Recientemente el profesor Tsuyoshi Miyakawa fue invitado al programa de TV "Sekai Ichi Uketai Jyugyou" para edcuar los televidentes de que los Japoneses son mas miedosos que los occidentales:
En sus estudios, el aislo un GEN que supuestamente causa que el cerebro de uno sienta mas temor. En sus pruebas con ratones de laboratorio, los ratones que no tenian ese GEN podrian caminar libremente en lugares de alto presipicio.
Esta prueba se hizo a varias personas de diferentes paises para ver quiene cargaban mas genes de temor, Japones fue la numero 1 en la siguiente lista:
1. Japaneses: 97%
2. Blancos Americano: 77%
3. Indios: 67%
4. Alemanes: 64%
5. Afro Americanos: 46%
6. Sur Africanos: 32%
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